Donors set up individual funds ($5,000 minimum) with a specific focus to fulfill their wishes. Some funds are endowed and others are donor advised pass-through funds.
Accountability is assured with bi-annual statements using foundation specific software from Foundant Inc. Fund Partner application package available upon request.
The Foundation is the caretaker of donor funds that will continue to favorably impact the community in perpetuity. Unless otherwise specified, the endowed funds are held in trust permanently, with only the income being distributed for the charitable purposes defined by our donors. Several types of funds can be set up within the Foundation by donors. Indeed, they can name the fund that they endow for themselves, a spouse or family member, a company or special friend. Fund names can convey a specific goal or purpose and often hold a special meaning for the donor. Annual financial audits and reports to donors ensure the Foundation’s integrity with regard to its sound financial practices and charitable goals. The maximum tax advantages provided by law are possible with contributions to the Community Foundation of Lincoln County.
Bennett Scholarship Endowment Fund
Burdine Family Scholarship Endowment Fund
Burdine Family Scholarship Pass-through Fund
Chili Currier ENMU - Ruidoso Endowment Fund
Chili Currier ENMU - Ruidoso Scholarship Fund
Coach Bob Cerny Memorial Scholarship Fund
Corona Land Owners Association's Community Fund
Community Foundation Lincoln County Legacy Fund
Eddy McMinn/Johnson/Belmont Scholarship Fund
ENMU - Ruidoso Foundation Investment Fund
Friends of Historic Lincoln Fund
Fusion Foundation for Community Wellness Fund
Christine Russell Harkey Orphan’s Food Endowment Fund
Jack Nelson Harkey and Christine Russell Harkey Legacy Fund
Here Comes the Sun Fund
Hope Harbor Fund
Humane Society of Lincoln County Fund
John Ashcraft Scholarship Fund
Lincoln County Farm and Livestock Bureau Fund
Lincoln County Arts Grant Fund
Mike Gladden Memorial Scholarship Fund
R.G. Woodard Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ruidoso Hospice Foundation Fund
Ruidoso Municipal Schools Investment Fund
Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce Fund
Ski Apache Adaptive Sports Fund
Sky Islands Foundation
The Shelter Fund
Zachary Eiland Memorial Scholarship Fund.
•• When sending a check please pay to Community Foundation of
Lincoln County. Designate fund on memo line.
•• Donate to any individual fund above. Undesignated donations
will go to the Legacy Fund