The Legacy Fund is a permanent endowment fund. No part of the fund principal is used for grants or to pay for administrative costs. Only fund earnings are used to pay for grants or increase the fund principal. Annual grants are now made under the direction of the Board of Directors from the Operating Account. Once the principal in this fund passes $1,000,000, annual grants to local nonprofit groups will total over $70,000 at current rates of return. This community nest egg will serve to help many for years to come. The larger the Legacy Fund grows, the more it will give back in perpetuity. Gifts to the Legacy fund may be by check, credit card, transfer of stocks or bonds and by bequest from your estate.
If you are interested in donating to the Legacy Fund by PayPal, please click here.
If you would like to donate to the Legacy Fund by check,
please send your check payable to CFLC with Legacy Fund in the memo line to:
PO Box 2750
Ruidoso, NM 88355
We acknowledge and thank many volunteers for their valuable time and resources in serving the CFLC. We especially thank our financial contributors for helping to move the Legacy Fund towards its goal. These contributors include, but are not limited to:
Aiello, Terry & Linda
Alred, Catherine
Ancker, Leif & Susan Weir
Anderson, Karen
Angolani, Susan, and Wade, Michael
Annala, Dr. Ronald
American Oxygen
Anonymous Donors
Armstrong, Bill and Karen
Barnett Phillis & Truman
Baumgartner, Julie
Bell, Betty Ann
Berglund Family
Bozarth, Jim
Braun, Jerry & Melanie
Briley, Alan & Jean
Brothers, Mary
Brown, Kai
Brunell, Herb and Anne
Bryant, Dan & Julie
Calhoun, Deby and Danny
Campsmith, Evelyn
Candle Power
Caniglia, Carly and Steve
Carameros, Chris & Gina
Carey, Dan & Jennifer
Carstens, Ryan
Cory, Greg & Aida
Cowan, Fred
Cozy Cabins Real Estate
Crown Real Estate
Damron, Jodee and Don
Daniel, Sarah
Davenport, Marty
Davis, Cindi and Riker
Dennehy, Suzanne
Dimotta, Frank & Susan
Doubletree Glass
Durham, Ted
English, Miriam
English, Randell
Epstein, Alvin & Susan
Farah, John & Clara
Fails, Gary
Favis, Dr. Amanda / Ruidoso Animal Clinic
Fisher, Stephen & Demaris
Ford, Gerald
Gann, Virginia F. Trust
Gibson, Lori
Gladden, Kerry
Gladden, Michael & Sandy
Goza, Marin
Greig, Jane
Gremillion Easter, Diane
Griffin, William
Grill Caliente, Phil Davis
Grooms, Andrew and Deb
Guthrie, Patrick and Kathleen
Hannagan, Mike & Dannette
Hanson, Warren & Kathy
Harris, Cheryl
Harris-Eilert, John & Laura
Hatch, Sandra
Head, Debra & Albon
Hemphill, John & Shannon
Herrera, Anthony & Jill
Hinkle III, Rolla R.
Hirschfield, Bill & Sunny
Holmes, RB & Theresa
Holmes, Susan and George
Hopson, DeMar & Hilton
Jackson, Dr. Gary L.
Jendrusch, Chris & Kathy
Johns, James and Amy
Johnson, Catherine
Josie’s Framery
Juggenheimer, Don
High Country Insurance Staff
Holt, Joanie
Kennedy, Kathleen
Kidder, Lyn
Knobel, Ken & Cheryl
Lagasse, Kyle & Kim
Lemasters, Bill
Lewis, Tim
Lincoln, Don and Nancy
Lollar, Dean
Long, Linda & Bill
Magnan, Frank & Donna
Maue, Lisa
McCarty, Cynthia & William
McRae, Billye & Tom
Metcalfe, Wayne & Cheryl
Michael J's Italian Restaurant
Miller, Jim and Nancy
Miller Waldrop Furniture
Minter, Harvey & Kathryn
MMG Ranch
Moras, Frederic
Moss, Jacob
Mote, Juanita
Mound, Carol
Mound, Dick
Mundy, Print
Murphy, Barbara
Neeley, Joe & Karen
Noltensmeyer, Dave
Oberheu, Todd & Deanna
O’Brien, Mike & Michelle
Olivas, Angie
Omness, Coda
Otero County Electric Coop
Padilla, Erik
Pagano, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph
Parker, Roy and Judy
Patton, Van & Karen
Ponder, Will & Rebecca / Sacred Grounds
Proctor, Todd & Martha
Ranney, George & Vicky
Ranney, Nancy
Reasoner, Cyril & Sandra
Rettig, Ernie
Robles, Alberto & Lily
Ruidoso Animal Clinic
Salas, Anna Shippen
Santos, Marti
Sayner, Frank and Beth
Shafer, Scott & Rosemary
Sierra Blanca Pharmacy / Chris and Micah Woodul
Sierra Blanca Motors
Sierra Contracting Inc.
Silva, Frank & Karen
Smith, Dorothy
Smith, Gary and Sue
Smith, Liz and Leroy
Smith, Mark & Gerri
Stewart, Tom and Annette
Stokes, Len & Cheryl
Tippin, Walter and Margie
The Title Company, Inc.
Tordella, Jean
Treptow, Brad
Village of Ruidoso Staff
Waters, Sally L., DMD
Weaver, Mary / Mary Weaver Real Estate
Whitaker, Kane and Rena / Enak Enterprises LLC
Williams, Dr. Vickie S.
Wilson, Shawn
Wimberley, Sally
Wimbrow, Larry & Sally
Witham, Archie
Wolfel, Dr. and Mrs. Donald
Wolslager, Stephen & Jimmie
Woodul, Marge
Young, Veronica
Zagone, Joan
Zagone, Joe
* We'd like to extend an extra special thanks to our multi-year donors!
Many of our Legacy Contributors have added IN MEMORIUM Gifts. Here is the list of Loved Ones.
Philip Alan Barnett • Bonnie Branson • Herb Brunell Sr. • Shirley Bryant • Dickie Clayton • Andy Coleman
Glen Crane • Hazel Daves • Loyd Davis Jr. • Samuel Davis • Johnny Durham • Vern Edmunson
Justin Edwards • Terry Fuller • D.L. (Dink) Gann • Jeanene Gibbs • Kim Graham • Jean Gremillion
Stephen Andrew Grooms • Nina Grunseth • Maryanne and John Harris • Bobby Holt • R.D. Hubbard
Ruth W. Johns • Dorothy Kimsey • Dick Mound • Peggy Noltensmeyer • L. Ray Nunley
Pat Rooney • Christian Seyl • Trankie Silva • Ann Smith • Dr. Leroy & Dorothy Smith
Marianne Talafuse • Dana Williams • Stephan Seigmann • Eric Thompson • Teddy Andrew Fisher
Maurice and Jean Waters • Kirk Johnson • Randy English • Harold and Louise Berry
Sherry Turner • Greg Hanson • Dr Ralph Pagano • Josephine Pagano